the Glowing Green

Part of the definition of being an artist, as I understand it, is to see without knowing what anything is beforehand. Being free from prejudice, bias, words, names, prior knowledge… the world as we are conditioned to know it must dissolve. And then, in comes the artist - she enters to show you what else is actually there.

Being an artist is staying fresh to the moment without judgement, standing in the flowing awareness of love. You have to be a “a baby alien,” which is just as it sounds: In awe with everything like you were experiencing for first time, while staying joined with your supernatural knowledge of a thousand made paintings.

In flow state, paintings just seem to make themselves, and who wouldn’t want to operate from that spacious freedom and serenity? The secret to how this can be done can be reduced to a singular move: invite energy from the higher self.

To learn how to open your heart chakra is to enable the ability to perceive. This is a trust gateway. Align with the glowing greens of your heart center and you will find yourself bathed in the beauty and love that is always moving through us.

Heart Chakra (Lovingkindness) Affirmations

  • I am love.

  • I am open to love.

  • I am worthy of love.

  • Love flows through me freely.

  • My heart centre is wide open.

  • I love myself unconditionally.

  • The power of love is within me.

  • I feel the omnipresent love of the universe all the time.

  • I express and receive love openly.

  • I can access my hearts wisdom all the time.

  • I follow my heart's calling.

  • I forgive myself and others.

  • I live in harmony with all other beings.

  • I release all resentment.

  • I show acceptance to everything.

  • I consciously choose love every single day.

  • I show compassion to myself and others.

  • I trust in the wisdom of my heart.

  • My heart guides me on my mindful path.

  • I am a vessel of divine love and compassion.

  • I send healing love to those in need.

  • My love and energy bring comfort and healing.

  • I am confident in sharing my heart's desires.

  • I am at peace with myself and others.

  • My love knows no bounds or conditions.

  • Giving and receiving love is a joyful cycle.

  • I love others for who they truly are.

  • Unconditional love is the essence of my being.

  • Joy is my natural state of being.

I see you, you see me, and there is no other.


Creating Beauty

